NGO "International Organization of Internally Displaced Persons with disabilities"


The other day, the last meeting of the intergroup of the European Parliament on disability was held, in which the executive board of the European Forum on Disability also participates. There are issues that have been resolved over the past 4 years, but even more issues remain initiated or even simply noted for the new convocation of the European Parliament.

At today’s joint meeting, achievements were evaluated – the European Accessibility Act, the European Card for the Disabled. However, there is still no agreement on establishing uniform criteria for disability, on minimum income, on cross-border services for European people with disabilities. Special emphasis was placed on the issues of usufructuary rights.

In her speech, Gunta Anča emphasized that the amendments to the European legislation adopted last year did not change the situation.

By the way, so far not a single MEP from Latvia has joined the Intergroup of the Disabled. We are very much looking forward to the next convocation!