NGO "International Organization of Internally Displaced Persons with disabilities"


Together with the Global Fund for Children, AMI-East, and the World of Ukraine Foundation, children’s dreams are flying to Saint Nicholas 🎅 – and our team is keeping our fingers crossed for all the cherished wishes to come true, and the greetings to reach distant cities and villages! Working together with the elves!

💓 The goal is to uplift spirits and create positive emotions, organizing enchanting winter events for children from vulnerable groups, especially those who have experienced psychological traumas caused by war.

The psychological support for children is incredibly powerful. 💓 In their letters, children talk about their pain, expectations, and dreams.

Thank you, a wonderful team of enchantresses and wizards! Our work chat never stops, day or night, as the holiday is approaching! 🎅🎅🎅

Orders are being processed, packages are being prepared, Saint Nicholas’s personal messages to children are taking shape, and Nova Post takes over the relay.

So many children from Luhansk, Donetsk, Sumy, Zaporizhzhia regions. Their letters are special, bring tears to the eyes.

💓Thank you for the inspiration, Maltese Aid Service, Embassy SMOM Ukraine.

💓 Thank you to everyone who joined the Letters to Saint Nicholas Campaign:

#TOGETHER ГО Луганська обласна організація «Амі – Схід», Global Fund for Children, Joseph V Bednarek, Liza Yanovich, Oksana Dmitryak, МО “Світ України”/IO of IDPS disabilities “Word Ukraine”, КУ “Луганський обласний центр соціокультурної адаптації молоді з ОФМ”, Управління молоді та спорту Луганської ОДА, Natalie’s Kitchen, Alex Soroka, Наталія Кулик, Алла Волобуева, Наталія Діда, Aleksandr Troshanin, Віталіна Клапцуняк, Evan Slvyeuw, Pablo Mateu, Екатерина Безгинская, Zoya Ryabova, Елеонора Поліщук, Антон Волохов, Евгения Ратихина, Oksana Shabas, Gunta Anča, Niyara Chubarova, Раиса Родина, Alena Osadchaya, Виктор Минор!

At the request of our friends from FACEBOOK, we provide the email address for contacting us: 🎅🎅🎅