Tetyana Barantsova: “I have a little Friend… At every event in Popasna, he ran to me and told me about his magical childhood adventures. The war deprived Timurchyk of his native home, familiar surroundings, friends, and scattered his relatives around the world. Sometimes he writes to me in Viber: “How are you?… We are now in Dnipro” and talks about his life again. Restrained, and almost without emotions. God, how I wish that this child, like millions of other children, would soon forget about the horrors of the war, so that he would return home and smile so sincerely and sunnily at the world again!
Thank you Global Fund for Children for your help! We were able to attract brothers from Popasna to the action of psychological help for Santa! We are happy that the boys have got the gifts and the feeling of a winter wonder.
The first 3 photos are from Popasna in January 2022, the others are from Dnipro in 2023″.