NGO "International Organization of Internally Displaced Persons with disabilities"


Residence legalization

Poland does not have separate rules regarding the legalization of the stay of Ukrainian refugees with disabilities on its territory. The Law on assistance to citizens of Ukraine specifies certain benefits for people with disabilities, for example, when issuing a PESEL number (if a person due to a disability cannot personally submit an application or fingerprints at the location of the administration, it is possible to do this at the place of residence of such persons). In addition, social assistance, which is provided only to persons with disabilities, concerns, for example, specialized transport, in particular to or between places of accommodation or meals.

Additional payments

The State Fund for the Rehabilitation of People with Disabilities – PFRON – provides financial support to people with disabilities from Ukraine. You can familiarize yourself with his activities on the official website (the text in Ukrainian is at the bottom of the page):

Employment of persons with disabilities

People with disabilities are employed in Poland under general conditions. We would like to add that an employer hiring a person with a disability can apply for additional funding from PFRON.