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On this page:

Information line about available support for Ukrainian citizens in Latvia: +371 27 380 380 (on weekdays 9:00 – 17:00)

Arrival to Latvia

Upon arriving in Latvia through border checkpoints, individuals entering with biometric passports will undergo border control.

If a person arrives without a travel document, they will be identified in cooperation with the competent authorities of Ukraine.

A Ukrainian civilian residing in Latvia based on a residence permit is obligated to declare their place of residence in Latvia within one month from the moment of receiving such a residence permit. Information on how to declare your place of residence in Latvia can be found here.

Transport to Latvia

Tickets to Latvia can be purchased on the websites of bus carriers, such as,,


No later than 5 working days after the arrival of the animal, you must contact a veterinarian. They will provide a free examination, registration, microchipping, and vaccination for the animal. Phone: +371 67095245. Website of the Food and Veterinary Service:


Information about crossing the state border (24/7) can be obtained by contacting the State Border Guard Service at +371 67913569 and +371 67913568.

Website of the State Border Guard Service:

Website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Latvia:

There is a volunteer assistance point for refugees at the Riga Bus Station, which operates daily from 8:00 AM to 12:00 AM.

Residence Permit

In Latvia, there is a separate law governing the status of Ukrainian civilians, so there is no need to apply for refugee status.

Starting from January 1, 2023, residents of Ukraine who apply for temporary protection status in the Republic of Latvia will be issued a temporary residence permit valid for two years.

Visas and residence permits issued to Ukrainian citizens before December 31, 2022, will remain valid until March 4, 2024, regardless of the expiration date specified in the documents. Until that date, all the rights granted to Ukrainian civilian residents will be preserved, including the right to employment, housing rental (according to a signed agreement), banking, and other services, without the need for a new temporary residence permit.

The three cases in which Ukrainian citizens should apply for a new temporary residence permit are:

To obtain a new residence permit, Ukrainian citizens need to provide a copy of their travel document and:

You can submit an application for a residence permit in person at the Riga Support Center for Ukrainian Residents, located at 4 Amatu Street. Additionally, applications can be submitted at the Unified State and Municipal Customer Service Centers, where Ukrainian citizens receive assistance in obtaining residence permits and registering as physical persons. These centers also provide guidance and assist in submitting applications electronically. Documents can also be sent by mail to any territorial branch of the Office or in electronic form by signing the accompanying documents with a secure electronic signature, if available. Sample application forms and declarations in Latvian and Ukrainian can be found on the Office’s website under the “Support for Ukraine” section (

If Ukrainian refugees in Latvia who have been issued a visa or a temporary residence permit and have been assigned a personal identification code intend to return to Ukraine or move to another country, they must submit an application for the annulment of their status to the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs. Detailed information can be found here.

Governance on the right of community and migration

Phone numbers: +371 67209422, +371 67209400, and +371 67209600. The working hours of the migration information phone line are Monday to Thursday from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM and Friday from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.

Support Center in Riga

The Riga Support Center for Ukrainian Citizens is located at Amatu Street 4 and operates on weekdays from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. For more detailed information, you can visit the website at or contact them at +371 80000 800.

The Refugee Support Center provides the following consultation and practical assistance:

  • Accepting applications for residence permits.
  • Accepting applications for the issuance of a personal code and providing it.
  • Providing consultations regarding employment opportunities.
  • Information on obtaining child, pension, and disability benefits.
  • Providing information about the possibilities of receiving assistance from non-governmental sector representatives.

In addition, at the support center, you can also receive:

Social Support

Latvia provides the following support to Ukrainians:

You can obtain free information regarding social support for Ukrainians in Latvia by calling +371 80700011 (Monday to Thursday 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM; Friday 8:30 AM – 3:00 PM). For more details, visit the Ministry’s website.

As part of primary assistance in crisis situations, in addition to financial aid, you can receive the following within three months:

To receive initial assistance, individuals need to obtain a certificate of a crisis situation from their local social service. This certificate is automatically issued during the application process for one-time assistance. Support packages can be obtained using this certificate from any of the more than 400 locations across Latvia. It also applies to dining facilities offering free meals. For detailed information about free dining facilities where you can obtain ready-made meals without the need for a certificate or other documents, please refer to this link. Furthermore, Ukrainian citizens registered with the Riga Support Center can also enjoy free access to public transportation within the city.


To obtain a free public transport ticket, you can do so at a ticket counter, if available. In the absence of a ticket counter, Ukrainian citizens can use regional public transport for free and carry their luggage by presenting an identification document (which must be shown to the driver or controller). These benefits do not apply to commercial bus routes marked with a capital letter “K” in the schedules. Bus and train schedules are available on this website.

Everyone who has registered with the Riga Support Center and received an electronic transport ticket can use public transport for free until December 31, 2023. For up-to-date information on public transport in Riga, please read here.

Useful links:

Parking rules

There are 6 parking zones in Riga: A, B, C, D, R, and V. Please note that depending on the zone, the operating hours, parking fees, and payment methods may vary. You can find a map with parking zone information on the Rigas Satiksme website.

Starting from September 5, 2022, if you need to park your car while receiving services at the Riga Support Center for Ukrainian Residents, you can obtain a permit (118 office, ground floor) for special parking.

Driver’s license

Driver’s licenses issued in Ukraine are valid for operating all categories of vehicles listed on them in Latvia during temporary protection, and there is no need to exchange them for Latvian driver’s licenses.

The provisions of paragraph 1 of the first part of Article 22 of the Road Traffic Law do not apply to obtaining a driver’s license. This means that the requirement for a person to be a permanent resident of Latvia does not apply when obtaining a driver’s license.

Vehicle registration

Ukrainian citizens driving vehicles registered in Ukraine can participate in road traffic in Latvia for up to three months from the moment of entry without registering the vehicle in Latvia.

If a vehicle registered in Ukraine is used in Latvia for more than three months, it can be temporarily registered for a period of up to 3 years to a Ukrainian civilian resident without conformity certificate (more detailed information: Temporary registration of a vehicle). Upon temporary registration of the vehicle, license plates and a certificate of registration for Latvia are issued for the vehicle.

The documents and license plates submitted during temporary registration are retained and issued upon the removal of the vehicle from registration for export from Latvia.

When registering a vehicle previously registered in Ukraine (temporarily or permanently) in the State Road Traffic Safety Directorate (CSDD) in Latvia, the importation of the vehicle must be processed according to the customs legislation. To register the vehicle with CSDD, you need to complete the customs clearance procedure, which involves submitting a customs declaration to the customs authorities. This can be done by contacting a customs declaration service provider, a customs broker, by verifying the contact information in the Internet browser search engine. An authorized customs broker will prepare the customs declaration and submit it to EMDAS, the electronic system for processing customs data of the State Revenue Service – VID (hereinafter – SRS).

More detailed information about customs procedures can be found here.

Starting from September 1, 2023, individuals aged 14 and older who have a license to operate a bicycle or any other category of vehicle can participate in road traffic on electric scooters. School students can obtain a bicycle license at school, where they study the theory and take the exam, while anyone interested can also take the exam at CSDD branches.

Administrative fines

If you receive a fine, pay attention to the fine print, as there are several administrative penalties for which officials may apply conditional partial exemption (for example, if the fine is paid within 15 days of receipt, there may be a 50% reduction in the total amount).

Summer tires

It is prohibited to drive vehicles with studded tires from May 1st to October 1st.


Latvia provides free accommodation and meals for Ukrainian residents for the first 120 days for those who began receiving services before May 24, 2022, and 120 days of free accommodation and 30 days of free meals for those who started receiving services from May 25, 2022.

Starting from July 20, 2022, local authorities can make decisions to provide accommodation for 60 days if it is impossible to provide accommodation for 120 days within the respective local authority. The decision on accommodation for up to 60 days may be adopted in cases where 80% of the actual number of accommodated persons has been reached, and there is no possibility to provide accommodation in another local authority.

Individuals belonging to the following groups will be able to receive further state housing support even after the end of 60 or 120 days, but not beyond December 31, 2023:

  • People with disabilities;
  • People caring for a person with disabilities;
  • Retired individuals;
  • Students at various levels of full-time education;
  • Individuals continuing their education in Ukraine through distance or online learning;
  • Pregnant women;
  • Parents or caretakers of children under the age of two;
  • Individuals providing care for preschool-age children who cannot attend preschool;
  • Preschool-age children who cannot attend preschool.

More information about the groups of individuals eligible for housing support after the 60- or 120-day period according to the Law can be found here.

Ukrainian civilians in Latvia are provided with temporary accommodation primarily in dormitories, tourist facilities, as well as with Latvian residents’ families.

The state provides financial support to residents of Latvia who have provided free accommodation in their homes to Ukrainian citizens. Private individuals and legal entities can receive compensation in the amount of 100 euros per month for the first person residing and 50 euros per month for each additional person, but not exceeding 300 euros per month. If a private individual has multiple residential premises in which Ukrainian residents are accommodated, compensation can be obtained for each residential property in which Ukrainian residents are accommodated. The application for compensation must be submitted to the local government within 14 days from the start of the residence. Also, a person providing accommodation can receive compensation for a period exceeding 120 days but not longer than until December 31, 2023 if they are accommodating individuals who cannot independently find accommodation. More detailed information is available on the website.

If your housing expenses exceed your income or your income does not fully cover your housing costs, you can submit an application for housing assistance. More details can be found here.

To accommodate residents of Ukraine, local governments can enter into a lease agreement with the property owner. In this case, the local government pays the property owner a fee for using the residential space equal to 100% of the agreed-upon lease payment, which includes all expenses related to the use of the residential space, including utilities, but not exceeding 300 euros per month per residential unit. In this scenario, the private individual does not collect rent from the resident of Ukraine. This support is available for up to 120 days but no later than December 31, 2023. More information can be found here.

You can seek assistance in finding accommodation by contacting the State Fire and Rescue Service hotline at +371 26654887 or the Riga city phone number at +371 80000800 (on working days from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM).

Websites for Accommodation Search

The website helps Ukrainians find accommodation throughout Latvia. On the site, you can place advertisements for free and also directly contact landlords. Additionally, you can find a detailed description of the rental process, a sample rental agreement, practical advice on finding accommodation, including information about available financial assistance and how to obtain it.

Short-term stay:

Long-term stay:


Every Ukrainian citizen staying in Latvia can expect to receive all medical services and medications paid for by the Latvian state. For Ukrainians, these services are free of charge. For detailed information regarding medical services in Latvia for Ukrainian citizens, please read here.


Emergency medical assistance: 113 and 112

Medical assistance for children: +371-2568-0140

Information hotline for medical services: +371 8000 1234 or +371 67045005 (Monday to Thursday 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM; Friday 8:30 AM – 3:00 PM)

Website of the Ministry of Health:

Website of the National Health Service:

Ukrainians can use the above-mentioned numbers to:

Emotional and Psychological Support

Free emotional and psychological support for children, adolescents, and their families. More information here.

Family Doctors’ Consultation Hotline

In case you need to consult a family doctor outside of working hours, please call +371 66016001 (Monday to Friday from 17:00 to 8:00; weekends: 24/7).

Тreatment of tuberculosis

Information and support for Ukrainian citizens in the treatment of tuberculosis and diagnostic services are available at the following link.

Support from non-governmental organizations

Information about non-governmental organizations providing support to residents of Ukraine is available here. The list also includes organizations that provide support to people with hearing and visual impairments, people with disabilities, as well as assistance in obtaining a parking card for people with disabilities and providing other assistive technical devices.

Prenatal care and childbirth

Ukrainian residents in Latvia are provided with state-funded medical services for prenatal care and childbirth. More information about available services can be found here.

Termination of unwanted pregnancy

State-funded termination of unwanted pregnancy is available in Latvia for residents of Ukraine who have suffered from violence during the war in Russia’s war in Ukraine (“valsts apmaksāta grūtniecības pārtraukšana“). To receive this service, only an identity document is required. A list of medical institutions providing this service is available here.

Assistance for persons with disabilities

The disability status obtained in Ukraine is not recognized in Latvia, so Ukrainian citizens need to undergo a medical examination in Latvia to determine their disability status. With a confirmed status, they can be eligible for various forms of state support, such as assistance in caring for a child with a disability or assistance in caring for an adult with a disability who requires care.

To receive state social assistance for individuals with disabilities, a resident of Ukraine must have lived in Latvia for at least three months from the moment they obtained a long-term visa or a residence permit. To apply for this assistance, a Ukrainian citizen or their legal representative should contact the State Social Insurance Agency in Latvia.

More information can be found here.


Ukrainian residents living in Latvia have the opportunity to receive assistance related to the birth of a child, childcare, as well as state family support. Detailed information about the amounts of these benefits and the requirements for receiving them is available here.

You can find information about state camps in Latvia for children from Ukraine here.

Many Latvian companies and non-governmental organizations offer children the opportunity to participate in various educational activities according to their interests at a discount or for free. You can find a list of such offers at the following link:

Every child who arrives in Latvia as a refugee from Ukraine has the opportunity to receive education in the state language or a minority language at the preschool and primary education levels. Children can also join interest-based clubs without restrictions. Information about the admission procedure to schools is available on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science.

The Children’s Clinical University Hospital (BKUS) is ready to provide necessary medical assistance to children from Ukraine. To apply for medical assistance and examinations, please contact them at +371 256 801 40. Additional information about the support can be found on the BKUS website.

Information about child vaccination can be found here.

Legal representatives and professionals such as educators and pedagogues working with Ukrainian children facing behavioral and communication difficulties can receive consultative support from the State Inspectorate for Child Rights Protection. Get detailed information here.

Information on what to do if:

  • a child arrives in Latvia without parents or a known adult,
  • a child arrives in Latvia with another Ukrainian family but without parents,
  • a child comes to Latvia with acquaintances or relatives but without parents,
  • a group of children from a Ukrainian orphanage arrives in Latvia

can be found here.

Information about children’s rights in Latvia is available here.

The “Honorable Family” certificate (“Goda ģimene”) is issued to large families with three or more children under the age of 18, as well as to families with children aged 18 to 24 who are pursuing general, vocational, or higher education. It is also granted to families providing care for a disabled child or an adult up to the age of 24 with a disability of the I or II group.

Holders of this certificate can benefit from discounts on services provided by both public and private companies in Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia. Detailed information about this can be found at the following link:


The number 112 for emergency assistance is the only emergency services number in Latvia. This number should be used in situations where there is a threat to a person’s life, health, safety, or property, as well as in cases of potential danger to the environment and public safety. The State Fire and Rescue Service is responsible for the operation of the unified emergency assistance number 112, including call processing and redirection to the relevant services.

The on-duty operator at the number 112 will provide you with information on how to act in a specific situation, and if necessary, connect you to the appropriate assistance service, such as the Emergency Medical Service, State Police, Municipal Police, Gas Emergency Service, and so on.

Citizens are urged to report all cases and individuals who promote, support, or justify Russia’s war in Ukraine. This can be done by contacting the State Police at and or by calling +371 67014002 or 110. You can also reach out to the State Security Agency at any time by calling 67208964 or emailing

In situations where victims of crimes require assistance and support, they have the opportunity to seek help through a special phone number, which is 116006, or by visiting the website

Law enforcement agencies closely monitor events in society and pay special attention to any statements or actions that may be related to aggression against Ukrainian refugees or support for the war in Ukraine by Russia.

You can find the form for submitting a report to the Latvian Human Rights Centre regarding hate crimes or incitement to hatred here: link.

Job Search

You can read about employment opportunities for Ukrainian citizens in Latvia here.

When starting a job, a resident of Ukraine has the right to a one-time financial support of 620 euros. An application for receiving this assistance should be submitted to the State Employment Agency within one month from the start of employment. Details and instructions for submitting the application are available at this link.

The State Employment Agency provides support to residents of Ukraine in their job search in Latvia.

How to receive assistance:

  • You can contact the Riga Center for Support of Ukrainian Residents at the following address: Amatu Street, 4, Riga.
  • You can also contact any customer service point of the State Employment Agency in person or by phone (Monday-Thursday 9:00 – 16:30, Friday 9:00 – 15:00).

The toll-free hotline number of the State Employment Agency is +371 80200206.

Current job vacancies and other useful information are available on the website of the State Employment Agency.

For independent job searching, you can visit the following websites:,, (the latter has a separate section for Ukrainian job seekers).

Residents of Ukraine who are registered as self-employed individuals in the tax register of the State Revenue Service (SRS) have the opportunity to submit an application for one-time financial support for self-employed individuals in the amount of 620 euros to the State Employment Agency. To do this, you need to submit an application within one month after registration with the State Revenue Service.

Payment is not provided to individuals who have previously received financial support from the State Employment Agency due to starting employment. If a person is eligible for simultaneous assistance both for starting employment and for self-employment, they can only avail of one of these support programs.Additional information about one-time assistance for self-employed citizens of Ukraine is available on the website of the State Employment Agency.

For the requirements for employment in Latvia, please read in detail on the website of the State Labour Inspectorate.

More information about employment opportunities in the following fields:


The current exchange rate of the hryvnia to the euro, which is updated weekly, is available on the website of the Bank of Latvia.

You can find other opportunities to exchange hryvnia for euros at currency exchange offices like Tavex and others, using their own exchange rates.

VISA and MasterCard payment cards issued by Ukrainian banks are accepted in Latvia, but there may be technical issues. These cards can also be used for cash withdrawals from ATMs.

Ukrainian citizens can open payment accounts in most Latvian financial institutions for free. To open an account and receive a payment card, you need to visit the bank’s service center in person, have a valid travel document or identity document issued in Ukraine, or a temporary residence permit (ID) issued in Latvia. It’s important to contact the specific bank in advance, as banks operate by appointment.

Additional information is available here, on the website of the Bank of Latvia, as well as on the websites of banks such as  SEBCitadeleSwedbankLuminor, Industra Bank, and Regional Investment Bank.


Residents of Ukraine have the opportunity to continue their studies as students through exchange programs, and researchers can work in scientific research institutions in Latvia. They can receive support for their studies similar to that received by students in Latvia and scientific personnel participating in existing science cooperation programs. To get a list of higher education institutions, study programs, and contacts, please follow the link provided here.

Starting from September 1, 2022, underage residents of Ukraine receive education in Latvia in the Latvian language. However, at the preschool and primary education levels, children also have the opportunity to study according to education programs provided in the Ukrainian language

For children studying in the education programs of grades 1, 2, 3, and 4, free meals are available, funded from the state budget.

In preschool and general education institutions, there is also a service of an assistant available for children with functional impairments.

More information about opportunities for obtaining primary, secondary, vocational, and higher education in Latvia for Ukrainian citizens can be found at this link:

Latvian scientific institutions that are part of the Register of Scientific Institutions can enter into employment agreements with Ukrainian scientists and offer internship opportunities in their institution.

Information about educational opportunities in Riga for children of Ukrainian refugees, including schools, kindergartens, music, sports, art schools, and other institutions, can be found at the following link.

Additional information about state-funded camps within the project ‘Support for Children’s and Youth Camps in Ukraine and Latvia’ can be found here.

Socialization and Culture

Residents of Ukraine have the opportunity for free admission to all state museums in Latvia. The full list of these museums is available on the website of the Ministry of Culture.

Books in English, Ukrainian, and Russian languages are available to the public in municipal public libraries in Latvia. In such libraries, you can use common areas with computers and internet access, interact with other visitors, and participate in events and activities organized by the library.

The website provides information about special offers created by Latvian companies and non-governmental organizations specifically for residents of Ukraine. There is also an events calendar featuring cultural, sports, and integration events for Ukrainian citizens, as well as initiatives aimed at supporting Ukraine on the website

Social accompaniment

Residents of Ukraine have the opportunity to receive free assistance from a social mentor who provides practical help in everyday situations. This assistance may include providing information and support when dealing with various institutions such as the State Employment Agency, kindergarten, school, medical center, and non-governmental organizations. To access the services of a social mentor, you need to contact the local self-government social service. This service is available for up to 60 days. More information can be found here.

Useful Recources

Information regarding the study of the Latvian language for Ukrainian citizens is available on this resource.

The procedure for taking state language exams can be found on the website of the National Centre for Education.

Ukrainian citizens are not required to pay a state fee for the test of proficiency in the state language.

A certificate of the results of the state language proficiency test can be obtained by sending a request to the email address of the portal or ordering it by mail for 12.01 euros.

On the website, you can find information about unique offers from Latvian companies and non-governmental organizations aimed at Ukrainians. It offers free Latvian language courses, consultations with a veterinarian and a hairdresser, the opportunity to buy a bicycle, enjoy a cup of coffee, and also obtain information about other available services and find community support. The website regularly adds new listings from Riga and other cities in Latvia, offering services for free or with special discounts.

The website was created with the aim of bringing together those who wish to provide assistance in the form of clothing, footwear, furniture, household appliances, children’s goods, and more, with those who need such assistance. This web resource provides information on over 145 locations in Latvia where one can donate or receive necessary items.

On the website, you can now find the nearest place for learning the Latvian language! Simply go to the ‘Filter’ section, check the option ‘Latvian language courses,’ select the location nearest to you, and contact the specific organization for additional information.

On the portal, there is a special section available in the Ukrainian language, which includes an application form for Ukrainian refugees. This form allows you to request assistance for medical treatment, rehabilitation, and medication, as well as seek consultations and support in emergencies.

Other useful links:

You can contact all state institutions in Latvia through an official email address on the portal, located in the ‘My’ section. For example, you can receive the results of Latvian language proficiency tests via email.

Access to the email address can be obtained by logging in to the portal using digital identification, such as a residence permit. It’s important to note that the ability to create and use an email address on the portal is only available to Ukrainian refugees with a valid residence permit.

There are video tutorials prepared to help users learn how to create an email address, access their mailbox, and send messages. When viewing videos on YouTube, select the ‘Subtitles’ or ‘CC’ option in the video settings and choose Ukrainian as the subtitle language. This will allow you to watch the videos with Ukrainian subtitles.

How to create (activate) an e-address.

How to access the e-address mailbox.

How to send a message to an e-address.

If you wish to join volunteer work but are unsure which organization to choose, fill out this form, specifying your skills and capabilities!

Volunteering opportunities:

Support for Startups

The Latvian startup community warmly welcomes tech professionals, startups, and their families. The ‘Latvian Startup Guide’ provides insights into the key benefits and opportunities of the Latvian startup support ecosystem for companies relocating to Latvia (Latvian startup welcome pack). Additionally, it contains important information about the relocation process and daily life. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at