To unite Ukrainian children, scattered by merciless war across the country and worlds, in a single plan. Give them the opportunity to express their sincere love for Ukraine, their pain, their hopes, their desire for victory and peace in the language of drawing.
This goal was set by the organizers of the contest of Arts for children and Youth “World of Ukraine” – the International Organization of displaced persons with disabilities “World of Ukraine”, Global Fund for Children, NGO “Luhansk regional organization AMI-East”, with the support of numerous interested persons and organizations.
The contest of creative works dedicated to the Independence Day of Ukraine took place and exceeded all expectations, bringing together a circle of 160 participants from different parts of the country and the World (Sweden, Latvia, Canada, Ireland, Switzerland, Italy, the Netherlands), almost 200 children’s masterpieces made in different techniques were sent to the contest – and in just four days!
At the final online meeting, the participants were welcomed by the guests of honor, all of them expressed sincere delight, named the most impressive drawings for everyone.

The children were welcomed by: Gunta Ancha – vice-president of the European Forum for people with disabilities, Chairman of the Latvian organization SUSTENTO, Oksana Dmytryak – representative of the children’s Global Fund, Oksana Shabas – manager of the US Peace Corps in Ukraine, Kateryna Bezginskaya – deputy chairman of the Luhansk regional military administration, Artemchuk Violeta – Chairman of the NGO Donbass SOS, Ivanenko Ruslana – Ukrainian Medical College of the National Medical University named after A. A. Bogomolets, Ryabova Zoya – professor of UMO NAPNU, Fomina Svitlana – Rehabilitation Center Donbass “Prykarpattia”.
Inspirers in the creativity of the contest participants – Yuriy Patsan – Knight of the order of merit of the III degree, Honored Artist of Ukraine, Ruslana Farina – the first Miss Ukraine in a wheelchair in 1996 singer, Snezhana and Vladimir Kernichni – Champions of Ukraine, World Champions, multiple, and masters of sports of international class, honored masters of sports of Ukraine.
In this competition, it was decided not to determine the winners, each child receives a well-deserved gift and a bright Diploma of the participant.